Author: hermonthis Title: Stitches (chapter one) Fandom: Storm Hawks Characters: Dark Ace Claim: general series Prompt: The Magician Word Count: 4,073 Rating: Teen
Summary: A Dark Ace origin story. It’s the people around you who will affect what you will become.
Title: He's Crafty Fandom: Inuyasha Characters: Miroku Claim: Inuyasha Gen. Prompt: The Magician Word Count: 1157 Rating: PG Summary: The ever crafty monk Miroku is tied into doing some actual work...but it has it's rewards!
Title: Second Thoughts Fandom: Red Dwarf Characters: Cat, Lister, Rimmer Claim: Cat Prompt: 02. Magician Word Count: 500 words. Rating: G Spoilers for Future Echoes. My Tables. A sequel to First impressions are everything.